Next race date: In March 2025 - date to be confirmed (Race 533)

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Results for Wednesday 14 February 2024

The Valentine's Day Three Bridges Race saw 28 runners descend onto the Albert Embankment, with 3141 Colin Harris's second time as Race Director.

We had the first DNF of the year - from Richard Patient, who started with Francesca Carter but pulled out from a dodgy calf.

As ever, without our volunteers, we wouldn't be able to put the race on, so thank you very much.

Martin Cruddace came in first - but it was his first run with the Three Bridges Race, so he was ineligible to win the race. The Hanscomb Trophy was won by Abigail Paton, but unfortunately Abigail had to leave before the Trophy ceremony.

The date of the next race is 13th March.  Join the Strava group here

Pictures from the race below the results.


  • Mark Taylor 1411
  • Kevin McAleer (timing) - 3396
  • Martin Medforth - 3119
  • Colin Harris (RD) 3141

And here's the results

Position Time Clock time Name Race no Category Club
1 00:19:57 00:28:42 Martin Cruddace 3365 M55  
2 00:20:01 00:29:01 Abigail Paton 3267 F45  
3 00:21:39 00:29:09 Dan Maskell 2779 M75 Vets AC
4 00:18:08 00:29:38 Karmen Pardoe 3064 F50 Hillingdon AC
5 00:14:13 00:29:43 Andy Green 3053 M60 Northants Triathlon
6 00:17:46 00:29:46 Sam Cone 3110 M35  
7 00:18:37 00:29:52 Nicole Thompson 3285 F30  
8 00:18:19 00:30:04 Olivia Budd 3292 F25  
9 00:17:12 00:30:12 David Cornock 2850 M60 Barnes Runners
10 00:21:58 00:30:13 John Carter 2873 M80 Wimbledon Windmilers
11 00:27:32 00:30:17 Francesca Carter 2874 F75 Wimbledon Windmilers
12 00:17:03 00:30:18 Dhanraj Sampathkumar 3338 M40  
13 00:14:05 00:30:20 Paul Wishart 3400 M55 Brighton Phoenix
14 00:19:53 00:30:23 Peter Dry 2891 M65 Epsom Oddballs
15 00:14:09 00:30:24 Graham Sutherland 2971 M45 Clapham Chasers
16 00:13:55 00:30:25 Nick Mahoney 3382 M30  
17 00:16:58 00:30:28 Edward Williams 3372 M35  
18 00:16:45 00:30:30 James Nugent 3134 M  
19 00:18:04 00:30:34 Michael Trott 2784 M65 The Stragglers RC
20 00:15:10 00:30:40 Catherine O’Shea 3416 F30 Victoria Park Harriers
21 00:20:12 00:30:42 Helene Navarre 2981 F45 London Frontrunners
22 00:16:05 00:30:50 Robert Bolwell 3392 M25  
23 00:18:43 00:30:58 Sam Griffiths 3393    
24 00:19:41 00:31:11 Mark Muffett 3219 M65 Crystal Palace Fun Runners
25 00:15:34 00:31:49 Stuart Holliday 3434 M45 Victoria Park Harriers
26 00:23:34 00:32:19 Terry Mahoney 3431 M60  
27 00:16:37 00:33:07 John O'Shea 2479 M60 Highgate Harriers
28 DNF DNF Richard Patient 3169 M50 The Stragglers RC

Sign up for the next race   >>

Remember, we ask runners to sign up for every race to tell us they're going to run, and to make the race really efficient, we no longer take registrations on the day.

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