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If you're an existing registered runner, go to the runners page here.

Next race date: In March 2025 - date to be confirmed (Race 533)

An historic race

The Three Bridges Race has been held at lunchtime from Westminster Bridge, taking in Lambeth and Vauxhall Bridges since July 1977.  One of the most enduring races, we're determined to be running strong for our 50th birthday on 7 July 2027.

We hope as many of you as possible can come.  And tell all your office, friends and running networks to register - put this website on WhatsApp and other groups.

The course is 2.3 miles. The start is by Westminster Bridge in front of St Thomas' Hospital on Albert Embankment. The start time is 12.30pm, the slowest first and fastest last. The course takes in both Vauxhall and Lambeth Bridges. It is excellent for working on your speed. There are no roads to cross so it is very safe. But we should emphasise that you run entirely at your own risk, and there are no marshalls on the course.

Your handicap is based on your times for the previous few races.  But if you run particularly slowly one month, we may not take that into account!

Your number lasts for life so please bring it with you, if you have it.  If you've lost it, or you're new, we might bring some card to write your number on, but otherwise bring your own, with some safety pins.

We welcome all runners from slow to fast. All we ask is that you are prepared to run for 2.3 miles. If the handicaps work right then everyone finishes together which makes it fun.

For the conscientious, it's only 2.3 miles, so you can just about fit this into your lunch-hour and be back at your desk in time.

If you'd like to run, you need to register, to get your handicap.  

Please note, we close the registration process for new runners a few days before the next run.  Sorry!

Register as a new runner >>

Come and run the Three Bridges Race
An historic race
Come and run the Three Bridges Race