Next race date: Wednesday 12th February 2025 (Race 532)

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Results for Race 526: Wednesday 14 August 2024

Congratulations to Zach Chadwick who won the virtual Hanscombe Trophy race, in a barnstorming time of 13:20 - he was also the fastest runner.

Thanks also to the 4 volunteers who managed a 40 strong race

Two nice pictures below the results.

The next race will be in September, on a date to be announced.  Please tell all your friends, colleagues, and running club mates to register and come along.  

Join the Strava group here


  • Mark Taylor 1411
  • Carol Dickinson 3574
  • Johnny Roe
  • Joy Williams
  • Colin Harris (Race Director) 3141

And here's the results

Position First name Last name Full cat Race no Time Club
1 Zach Chadwick M25 3346 00:13:20  
2 Richard Patient M55 3169 00:19:10 The Stragglers RC
3 Richard Taylor M45 3429 00:13:31 Serpentine RC
4 Andy Green M60 3053 00:14:02 Northants Triathlon
5 Nina Trevarthen F55 2709 00:21:06 Crawley Saints and Sinners
6 Lee Mansfield M50 2900 00:17:08  
7 Ross May M25 3570 00:13:40 St Albans Striders
8 Joe Greener   3621 00:14:40  
9 Graham Sutherland M45 2971 00:14:30 Clapham Chasers
10 Alexis Prince F45 3312 00:15:46 The Stragglers RC
11 Fergus Thomson M20 3620 00:16:48 TfL
12 Edward Williams M35 3372 00:17:05  
13 Xavier Perkes M25 3619 00:14:22 TfL
14 Rachel Soares F35 2979 00:15:23  
15 Kevin McAleer M60 3396 00:15:54 Thames Valley Harriers
16 Helen Whiteley F40 3289 00:19:13 TfL
17 Steve Hough M50 3333 00:14:16 Blackheath & Bromley Harriers
18 Jack Oliver M25 3611 00:14:02  
19 Mark Muffett M 3219 00:20:06 Crystal Palace Fun Runners
20 Peter Dry M70 2891 00:21:44 Epsom Oddballs
21 James Ash M30 3630 00:14:16  
22 Izabel Grindal F60 3578 00:19:06 The Stragglers RC
23 Stephen Harland M75 3568 00:20:42 Wimbledon Windmilers
24 Simon Hedger M60 2578 00:18:32 Ranelagh Harriers
25 Andrew Howarth M60 3133 00:18:06 The Stragglers RC
26 Ellie Fairfoot F25 3556 00:22:08 City of Norwich Athletics Club
27 Ian Pethick M55 3591 00:21:39 Transport For London Parkrun C
28 Alison Wallace F55 3592 00:18:45  
29 Steve Everitt M45 3587 00:19:03  
30 Salman Adam M20 3445 00:17:19 London Heathside
31 Peter Hall M65 3590 00:17:06 West 4 Harriers
32 Sally Dickens F25 3612 00:21:02  
33 Peter Torre M80 2882 00:31:34 Vets AC
34 Berke Cam 20 3623 00:16:04 TfL
35 Andrew Allen M65 3625 00:18:06 The Stragglers RC
36 Edward Nelson M65 3566 00:19:22 Wimbledon Windmilers
37 Rob Cowan M70 3572 00:21:09  
38 Sam Griffiths   3393 00:20:13  
39 Wendy Stokes F55 3626 00:19:27 The Stragglers RC
40 Sue Howarth F60 3622 00:24:23 The Stragglers RC


Sign up for the next race   >>

Remember, we ask runners to sign up for every race to tell us they're going to run, and to make the race really efficient, we no longer take registrations on the day.