Next race date: In March 2025 - date to be confirmed (Race 533)

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Results for Race 531: Wednesday 15 January 2025

Congratulations to Max Terry who won the virtual Hanscombe Trophy race, with a time of 15:36.

Three others finished ahead of Max, but were disqualified from winning because they had gone in the wrong wave (Kevin!) or were first timers.  After the event, we realised that Jon Low had run before, so should have won the trophy, but he can bask in the glory of knowing that he gets a free entry for the next race.

Jack Oliver was the fastest runner in a time of 13:12, with Peter Torre coming in with a time of 33:55.  Well done to all those who took part.

The next race will be on Wednesday 12th February.  Please tell all your friends, colleagues, and running club mates to register and come along.  

Join the Strava group here

Two pics below the results

Volunteers - thank you very much to the volunteers

  • John Chance 3258
  • Mark Taylor 1411
  • Carol Dickinson 3574
  • Peter Dry 2891
  • Colin Harris (Race Director) 3141

And here's the results

Position First name Last name Time Full cat Race no Club
1 Kevin McAleer 00:16:01 M60 3396 Thames Valley Harriers
2 Jon Low 00:14:37 M35 3664 NEJ Running Club
3 Gerard Pilz 00:14:22 M40 3645  
4 Max Terry 00:15:36 M 3423 Medway and Maidstone Athletics
5 Steven Brooks 00:15:41 M 3678  
6 Eden Maggs 00:20:11   3672  
7 Jack Oliver 00:13:12 M25 3611  
8 Richard Taylor 00:13:13 M45 3429 Serpentine RC
9 Paul Keeler 00:20:28 M70 3583 The Stragglers RC
10 Helene Navarre 00:19:17 F45 2981 London Frontrunners
11 Peter Hall 00:16:34 M65 3590 West 4 Harriers
12 Jerina Spicer 00:22:24 F 3601 NEJ Running Club
13 James Forsyth 00:17:10 M 3632  
14 Mark Muffett 00:19:43 M65 3219 Crystal Palace Fun Runners
15 Alison Wallace 00:18:47 F55 3592  
16 Andy Green 00:14:02 M 3053 Northants Triathlon
17 David Sutherland 00:15:53 M45 3115 Highgate Harriers
18 Steve Everitt 00:18:23 M45 3587 TfL
19 Philip Bedford 00:15:24 M25 3647  
20 Simon Mumme 00:13:54 M40 3395 The Stragglers AC
21 Dan Maskell 00:22:41 M75 2779 Vets AC
22 Darryl Clough 00:15:44 M30 3366  
23 Andrew Howarth 00:18:00 M60 3133 The Stragglers RC
24 Graham Sutherland 00:14:16 M45 2971 Clapham Chasers
25 Scott Hunter 00:13:46 M40 3680 West end road runners
26 Rebecca Watson 00:15:17 F30 3642  
27 Matt Edwards 00:15:47 M30 3649  
28 David Preston 00:16:03   3671  
29 Dom Flanigan 00:16:09 M40 3662  
30 Stuart Thompson 00:18:55 M70 3595 The Stragglers RC
31 Claire Beswick 00:22:56 F30 3401 NEJ Running Club
32 Richard Patient 00:20:14 M55 3169 The Stragglers RC
33 Trevor Clarke 00:15:31 M45 3631  
34 Wendy Stokes 00:18:47 F55 3626 The Stragglers RC
35 Jethro Thomas 00:14:19 M 3679  
36 Richard Evans 00:16:27 M60 3254 Hercules Wimbledon AC
37 James Mock 00:16:03 M25 3602 Runhead AC
38 Lynette Boston 00:18:52 F50 3669 NEJ Running Club
39 Lucy Bailey 00:17:39 F30 3628  
40 Peter Torre 00:33:55 M80 2882 Vets AC



The runners

Our winner, Max Terry












Sign up for the next race   >>

Remember, we ask runners to sign up for every race to tell us they're going to run, and to make the race really efficient, we no longer take registrations on the day.

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